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1) When you first arrive put a local taxi firm number in your phone
Try and do this ASAP so you don’t forget to do it later and so you don’t have to worry about finding a taxi when you need one. One thing you’ll quickly learn during Freshers’ Week is that you’ll soon get mixed up in the many tours, activities and socialising on offer. This means before you know it it’ll be 3am on your first night and you’ll suddenly have to find your way back to a room you’ve only spent an hour in. Take down that taxi number – just in case. It also means if you get lost in the daytime you have a backup to get you home and having a taxi number on hand is also useful for emergencies.
2) Write your address down and put it in your wallet/purse
Same thing as the taxi number: do this straight away and you won’t get in a difficult situation later on. Write it on a small piece of paper and tuck it away somewhere safe in your purse or wallet. Of course try and remember where you live as well, just in case you end up losing your purse or wallet!
3) Practise the route back to your halls/house
Depending on when you arrive you might not have time to do this, but it’s a good idea to get to know your way around as soon as possible. Practise the route from uni and the town centre back to your place of residence a few times during your first couple of days.
4) Try to stay in a three
This is mainly advice to take heed of on a night out. For obvious reasons you shouldn’t end up on your own and the ideal is to stay in a group of no less than three people. As much as you might feel like best friends after a day of knowing each other, it’s good to keep in mind that you’re in essence strangers and you don’t really know what the people you’re sharing halls with are like yet. A lot of people can also overdo it during Freshers’ Week and in a three you’ll be more equipped to deal with any emergencies.